
Import into a project

You can import the package as follows:

from easygv import easygv

The command line tool

Base command help text

$ easygv --help

Usage: easygv [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Command interface to easygv.

  Define nodes and edges in an excel file and graph-style attributes in a
  yaml file with inheritence.

  For command specific help text, call the specific command followed by the
  --help option.

  -v, --verbosity [debug|normal|quiet]
                                  How much do you want to know about what I am
                                  doing?  [default: normal]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  config  Manage configuration values and files.
  draw    Draw and save your graph.

Dealing with configuration files

$ easygv config --help

Usage: easygv config [OPTIONS]

  Manage configuration values and files.

  -g, --generate-config  Copy one or more of the 'factory default' config
                         files to the users config directory
                         (/home/gus/.config/easygv). Back ups will be made of
                         any existing config files.  [default: False]
  -k, --kind [attrs]     Which type of config should we replace?  [default:
  -p, --prefix TEXT      A prefix to identify the new config file(s).
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Drawing your graphs

$ easygv draw --help


  Produce your graph and save results based on your input.

  DEFINITION  = Excel file containing the definition of your nodes and edges
  ATTR_CONFIG = YAML file containing the attribute information for your
                graph, node-, and edge-types

  -f, --formats [all|pdf|png|svg]
                                  Which type of format should we produce?
                                  [default: all]
  -d, --directory DIRECTORY       Path to a directory to write out the files.
  -n, --name TEXT                 A name for your figure.
  -l, --layout [dot|neato|fdp|sfdp|twopi|circo]
                                  Which layout program?  [default: dot]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.